Sunday, September 16, 2012

Updated Action Research

What role does participation in extra-curricular activities have on student’s grades, eligibility and how do these activities impact the culture of the school?  Being involved in activities outside of the classroom greatly affects student progress.

Based off standardized testing scores in our school district and around the state, our campus scored relatively high.  The areas of needed improvement are located in the areas of attendance rate, and discipline issues.  Carroll had the second lowest attendance rate in our five school district and the highest amount of discipline referrals.  The plan of my action research is to find ways to improve these areas through student involvement in extra-curricular activities.  Time mangement and obligation to a greater body of peers, we believe will be the catalyst that will provide these desired results.

GOAL: Improve student morale, behavior and attendance through increased involvement in school activities. 
·       Disaggregate data of students who are involved  and students who are not involved.
·       Find possible reasons to the drastic difference in student achievement.
·       Coolaborate with stakeholders and staff to promote increased involvement. 

Review of the Literature and Action Research Strategy
The most impressive literature that I have analyzed has been presented by the National Federation of State High Schools.  Their objective is to promote extra-curricular activities in high schools.  The information, strategies and statistics have given me a great basis for my action research.  I have also acquired our district’s participation records and eligibility reports.  These documents along with other supporting interviews and data will allow me to provide a quality presntation ot my audience.  I have pinpointed the information to support my theory.

Articulate the Vision
The vision will be presented to the high school sponsors, administrators and community stakeholders through presentations, meetings and technology systems.  We will outline the needs of the school and vision for our school in the future. The site-based decision making committee wiil be involved in the adjustment of the vision if needed.

Managing the Organization
The management of this action research was clearly outlined and the needed assistance has been provided below

Resources/Research Tools
Responsibility to Address Activities
Time Line
Revisions to SIP/PIP based on monitoring
Increase involvement in activities at Carroll High School
Hold Club Meetings to encourage  membership(Band, Cheerleaders)
School Newspaper
Announcements -
Tiger Pause
School Email - Eduphoria
Kelli Powell, Dean of Instruction
Tony Trevino, CHS Athletic Director
October – November 2012
Chart the number of increased participants
Change method of presentation if necessary
Increase Grades for students at Carroll High School
Conduct Pep Rallies for each activity
Grade Reports for 3rd Nine Weeks at CHS
Charles Chachere, Head Principal CHS
Kelli Powell, Dean of Instruction
 December– 2012
Document the grades of participants in the school functions
Student involvement in public activities
Reduced amounts of ISS and DOA referrals at CHS
FCA, Weight programs, basketball tournaments, powder puff football games
Attendance surveys at after school functions, including Tigerettes, One-Act Play, Track and Baseball
Sponsors/Teachers /Coaches of extracurricular Activities
January– February 2013
ISS Reports on extracurricular participants
Revise Plan if not acquiring desired results
Increased School Pride with Student participation
Red Cross, canned food drives, Car washes.
Teams and Clubs will collaborate to help the community
Shan Hooker, CHS Boys Basketball
Leticia Canales, Girls Basketball
March – April 2013
Fundraising and Participation results
Mandatory or voluntary
Increased Parental Involvement through booster clubs and fundraising
Parent Meetings to display advantages of extra-curricular activities. Waffle Sale
Email notifications, callouts, letters, Facebook, web-site banner and school newspaper articles.
Robert Valadez, Big Cat Club President,
Tony Trevino, CHS Athletic Director
April  -May 2013
Attendance of meetings will serve as the assessment
Increased advertising if numbers are low

Managing the Operation
The management of this operation will fall under my supervision along with with the other designated leaders around our campus.  Conversations, emails and meetings will determine the effectiveness of our plan and improvement strategies. 
·       Students will need to be interviewed to see if strategies are improving the situations.
·       Parents will provide feedback that could guide our action plan.
·       Sponsors will report the increase in involvement and provide evidence of improvement..

Community Interest and Needs
The community will be the ultimate winners in this operation because they will witness the improvement in student involvement.  The product of experiment will yield young adults that have learned responsibilities and commitment to the greater good of our community.  The community will need to hold up their end of the deal for true success.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 5

Coming into this course, I did not understand the nomenclature involving action research.  In my ten years of education, I have mostly done what I am told and not been involved in investigating or solving problems.  When I decided to begin my master’s degree classes, I envisioned reading about what others had done as school leaders and analyzing their findings.  Action research allows the principal to conduct his or her own research and then decide the best way to adapt to the situation at their campus.  Situations from a textbook may apply to your campus, but at times, no campus will be the same.  It is up to the leadership of that campus to apply what they know and what they find to the situation they encounter. 
In Week One, we defined Administrative inquiry through reading the Dana text. “Inquiring professionals seek out change and reflect on their practice by posing questions or “wonderings,” collecting data to gain insights into their wonderings, analyzing the data along with reading relevant literature, making changes in practice based on new understandings developed during inquiry, and sharing findings with other.”(Dana, pg. 2-3) Week One also allowed us to develop our own blogs dealing with Action Research.  I have never been interested in blogs and rarely visited them.  Since, I have designed my own blog, I have begun to research other’s blog and become enlightened to the information that can be spread through technology. 
In Week Two, we viewed interviews from three educational leaders.  They described action research on their campus and provided examples of findings they have discovered.  Additionally, we dissected nine common action research topics to give us ideas about our research.  I decided to pick a topic that dealt with school performance.  I was curious to find the correlation between passing rates of involved students versus non-involved students.  I met with my site-supervisor and he agreed that this was a quality topic and was interested to hear about my findings.
Week three’s assignment called for us to decide on an action research topic and design our plan.  The question I will pose deals with, “What role does participation in extra-curricular activities have on student’s grades, eligibility and how do these activities impact the culture of the school?”
I again met with my site supervisor to decide on possible contacts and resources needed to address my research.  We discussed various avenues of research including, classrooms, websites, attendance logs and grade reports.  Week 3 concluded with the eight steps in analyzing action research, described in the Harris text. Basically, we broke down our topic and answered any questions we might have before we began extensive research.  We posted our findings in our blogs and also commented on other students; blogs.

In Week 4, we analyzed methods for collecting data. These methods included the Force Field Analysis, Delphi Method, Nominal Group.  Because I am very busy with various activities, the Delphi method caught my attention. This method involves getting a large amount of input for school improvement in a very short amount of time.  Questions are sent to as many as 20 stakeholders via email, which deal directly with a school issue. A facilitator gathers the responses and publishes them for all the responders to view.  A summary of answers is presented to the group and members adjust original responses to form a consensus with the group.  I will use this method in my action research by emailing sponsors and coaches to investigate hypothesis.
Other highlights of this course include the discussion boards and web conferences that Dr. Abshire administered.  Not only did we get to collaborate with other future leaders on action research but we also got the opportunity to help each other on problems we had with various technological applications. 

Dana, N.F. (2009) Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as the Action Researcher: Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 4

The CARE Model provides researchers the opportunity to evaluate their topics.  Here are my concerns, Affirmations, Recommendations and Evaluation of extra-curricular activities effect of grades/eligibility.

Extra-Curricular Activities’ Effects on Grades
  1. Students who are involved in extra-curricular activities do not pass. - 3
  2. Resisting forces are greater than changing forces of improvement. -1
  3. Being involved has no effect of grades of students. - 2

  1. Athletes at Carroll have high passing rates. - 1
  2. Students with fewer behavior incidences have higher grades at Carroll. - 2
  3. Students who have a high attendance rate are more involved in groups. – 3

  1. Time management and structure leads to improved grades. - 1
  2. Competition and teamwork develop a positive framework for learning. - 2
  3. Leadership skills are learned and developed by involved students. – 3

  1. Grade Reports will be monitored and documented for non – involved students - 3
  2. Eligibility Reports will be analyzed comparing data. - 2
  3. Participation reports will be conducted to show improvement in participation. - 1

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 3 Findings

I've been actively researching my project for ten years.  I am always trying to promote extra-curricular activities  to students at my school.  I know that if students become involved and experience teamwork in a positive manner, good things will happen.  "No Pass, No Play" was first suggested by Ross Perot in 1984.  Texas soon implemented the law that required students to pass all classes in order to participate in school sponsored extra-curricular activities.  It is a great policy and I believe that passing rates are higher because of this policy.

Week 3

Resources/Research Tools
Responsibility to Address Activities
Time Line
Revisions to SIP/PIP based on monitoring
Increase involvement
Hold Club Meetings to encourage  membership(Band, Cheerleaders)
School Newspaper
School Email
Sponsors of extracurricular activities
6 weeks
Chart the number of increased participants
Change method of presentation if necessary
Increase Grades
Conduct Pep Rallies for each activity
Grade Reports
Coaches and Sponsors
 3 week grading period
Document the grades of participants in the school functions
Student involvement in public activities
Fewer Behavior Issues
After School Activities
Attendance at Practice or Rehearsals during the weekday
Sponsors/Teachers /Coaches of extracurricular Activities
6 weeks
ISS Reports on extracurricular participants
Revise Plan if not acquiring desired results
Increased School Pride
Public Service Opportunities
Teams and Clubs will collaborate to help the community
3 weeks
Fundraising and Participation results
Mandatory or voluntary
Increased Parental Involvement
Parent Meetings to display advantages of extra-curricular activities
Email notifications, callouts, letters, Facebook, web-site banner and school newspaper articles.
Parents, Teachers, Coaches,
3 weeks
Attendance of meetings will serve as the assessment
Increased advertising if numbers are low

Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 2 Reflection

EDLD Week Two's assignments referenced to the 8 passions that should drive action research for a principal in the educational setting.  The finding should be based on Passion, Curriculum Development, Individual Teachers, Individual Students, School Culture/Community, Leadership, Management, School Performance and Social Justice.

Each topic provided examples of how principals have researched and addressed these issues.
The overall message of the assignment was the importance of research and adapting your leadership to your needs at the school.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

School Leadership and Blogs

Blogs provide an open forum for school leaders to learn from each other.  Principals can share their experiences and ask questions about assistance with issues they have not conquered.

Jim's Action Research Findings

Administrative inquiry and action research is very valuable to the educational experience.  Many times, educators are provided with data that might not apply to their specific campus.  Professors at universities have conducted studies and school districts may have been given suggestions on fixing problems without being allowed to diagnose their own problems.  Action research strategies puts the power in the hands of the stake holders at the campus level and promotes leadership to the the entire campus.  There are various ways to implement action research. 
  • Leaders can enroll  in university coursework and learn from other professional educators. 
  • Attend District meetings and voicing concerns for your campus.
  • Leadership Teams can be developed at the campus to support teachers and students.
  • Professional Learning Communities allow all educators to learn from each other.
Reguardless of experience, age, or diplomas all educators can learn form each other.  Principals encounter numerous problems during the course of a day and spend much of their time reacting to a situation.  Through action research and administrative inquiry, school leaders have an opportunity to have a direct impact on their campus and take ACTION on the many issues at thier school. Today's schools require active leadership.